Wii Fit, For Fitness

Wii Fit is a big success. It is a game you could see in gyms. You must acquire a kind of person weighs, in addition to the Wii console, the Wii Balance Board (WBB). The program itself is the coach that will perform exercises various and beneficial for the body.

Using Wii Fit with Google Earth or Second Life

This video (German) shows how to connect to the WBB a computer and Google Earth or Second Life. It is possible to move with the Wii Fit in virtual worlds.

Several programs

Posture and breathing are the foundations of the game. The professor at the screen guides you.

Simulations based on various sports and activities (tightrope walkers, skiing) to let working muscles.

You must perform the movements shown on the screen. A little tiring, but it is the goal.

The next gear. Movements close to running to spend a maximum of calories. With music.


The WBB: Near $ 100.
The console: Near $ 300.