What foods to lower the glycemic index

Foods with high glycemic index contribute to weight gain and are of course dangerous for diabetics. Some are nonetheless useful for a balanced diet and it is the case of rice, potatoes. But there is a way to accompany them and we may choose between the refined product and natural product.

Here is a list of equivalence between a high glycemic index foods and foods that can replace them with intakes of vitamins and minerals equal or even higher.

White bread:

Replace with wholemeal bread, rye.


Wholemeal pasta, brown rice or basmati rice.


Apple and kiwi.


Cucumber or other raw vegetables.


Rolled oats.

White rice:

Substitute with brown rice, and preferably with mushrooms and onions.

Energy drink


Sodas, syrup

Pure water.

Further advice

Add onion in any dish where it may be combined, especially with dry beans, lentils and similar.

Mushrooms provide protein with few carbohydrates and no fat. We should add as much as possible and especially with rice of which it lowers the GI. But pasta can also be accompanied with as shown by the pasta with mushroom recipe.