Love potion

A magical recipe for lovers.

Category : Drink

Cooking: 0 minutesPT0M

The love potion is the particular name that you give the elixirs and potions whose purpose is to stimulate the libido, failing to truly love as in fiction.
What counts in this recipe, it is mostly the ingredients, how to accommodate them is just to make a tasty dish.
We can add oysters to the list of ingredients, but they are quite difficult to pair with the rest, as they used to share.
There is no restriction on the amount except the garlic which can not exceed 5% of total weight.


  • Ginseng: 20g
  • Garlic: 5g
  • Mint: 1g
  • Peanuts: 50g
  • Cocoa: 10g
  • Dill: 1g
  • Cinnamon: 1g
  • White wine: 20g




    In leaves, mint and dill are steeped in hot water.
    Keep the potion.
    Crush or pulverize the remaining ingredients - except the peanuts.
    Combine with wine, and possibly a little milk or cream.


    Serve as a puree in a bowl with a spoon.
    Serve peanuts separately. Allergies to peanuts are quite frequent,
    also they should never be mixed with food without anyone being notified.
    Also may be served separatly with oysters and lemon.

Nutritional AssessmentIG: 10
Calories: 68 - 3% of daily needs (approximation).