Can you take aspirin regularly?

Is it unhealthy if you take several pills a week? Scientific studies say what about this?

Short answer

The answer is quite complicated because aspirin if it relieves in the short term, over the long term, it has both beneficial and harmful effects. In summary, it is good for the heart, but tends to make you blind and cause ulcers.

Long answer

Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) thins the blood and blocks the activity of an enzyme that causes pain and inflammation. This is a very old drug which comes from willow bark, and one of the most consumed in the world, it is also the subject of numerous statistical studies. It is credited with the death of 1,000 people per year in the U.S. because it causes bleeding stomachs (unconfirmed source).

Aspirine et santé

Aspirin and the cardiovascular system

It helps fight certain cancers and stroke. Because it thins the blood by preventing platelet aggregation, it avoids the risk of cardiovascular disease. Its anti-inflammatory effect fights cancer that is known to be promoted by inflammation. Mainly cancer related to the digestive system such as that of colon, but also that of breast.

Aspirin and macular degeneration

Many studies have been done on the topic but have led to contradictory conclusions, so this risk was not retained to this day. Then a study conducted for 15 years in Australia has now revealed its findings are conclusions. It is based on a form to fill and photos taken from the eyes of patients to assess the degradation of their retinas. 63% of patients who take aspirin regularly (twice per week) have developed a DMA. That considering all other relevant factors.

It should however remain to know why aspirin has this negative effect. Is it because it destroys vitamins, when we know that vitamin A and E are required to maintain the vision? The answer is not given in this purely statistical study.

The risk of ulcers

The risk of ulcers and stomach bleeding is increased especially when consuming alcohol regularly even in small doses. Aspirin is an acid, it attacks the walls of the digestive system as well as alcohol and causes bleeding that can be fatal.


If you are not subject to the risk of cancer or heart attack (depending on your heredity, your diet, your doctor tests), you should avoid taking aspirin regularly. If these risks are for you, then it is a lesser risk. In this case to try to avoid its disadvantages, with aspirin each pill, also take a pill of vitamin C (500 units), or more naturally, fruits rich in vitamin C such as kiwi.
To avoid ulcer, doctors recommend an alternative drug against headaches, paracetamol.