Why is flu spreading in winter?

Why all these diseases, influenza, colds, sore throats, appear in winter and not in summer? Why does the spread of viruses come only with the winter?

Short answer

There are several reasons for this: more promiscuous and less aeration promotes the spread, the more energy used to heat weakens the body and lack of sunshine reduces the natural production of vitamin D by the body so that it can not strengthen the immune system.

Long answer

Some diseases are spreading in winter and not in summer. The researchers at N.I.H. have a hypothesis verified by experiments.

Mixovirus Influenza virus is coated with cholesterol, a very thin oily consistency which varies with temperature. When it's cold, it hardens and provides temporary protection against ambient air and the cold. The virus can survive in open air for some time and move from one organism to another.
Instead, during hot weather, the fat film became soft and so naked, the virus can not survive.

In the body, particularly in the lungs, the virus is in his element, the body heat melted the fat and it can proliferate.

Other causes already established are:

  • Crowding and poor ventilation that favor the transmission of viruses.
  • The cold which mobilizes the resources of the body.
  • The lack of vitamin D. It is produced naturally by the body from sunlight, which are rare in autumn and winter, besides the fact that people comes out less often.

  • The drying of the nasal cavity. The air is drier in houses, so that the nose is less efficient to filter the incoming air and lets bacteria and viruses enter.


In winter, you must alter your diet to increase intake of vitamin D or more simply, take food supplements (these are the only ones which are really recommended), and get out more often but off the crowds.